ICC News

News from Rotary Inter-Country Committees Italy - Malta - San Marino

  • From 26 to 29 September 2024 - Zurich (Switzerland) - Event organized by the Inter-Country Committees Switzerland - Liechtenstein - Italy - Malta - San Marino.

    In Zurich the 2024 meeting of the Inter-Country Committee Switzerland - Liechtenstein - Italy - Malta - San Marino, in a stimulating environment and a welcoming atmosphere to discuss one of the most compelling and relevant topics of our times: Artificial Intelligence.
    - Invitation and program

  • 3 April 2024 - Taiwan - Hearthquake.

    Message from PDG Alessandro Pastorini, Inter-Country Committees National Coordinator of Italy, Malta and San Marino:
    Dear Rotarian friends of the Taiwan ICC,
    the National Coordination and all the Italian Inter-Country Committees of Italia, Malta and San Marino are close, with great friendship, to you and all your people following the serious earthquake that hit Taiwan.
    We are at your disposal.
    A fraternal hug.

    Alessandro Pastorini
    Rotary ICC National Coordinator of Italy, Malta and San Marino

  • From 26 June to 3 July 2024 - Amman (Jordan) - Conference "Discover Jordan" - Convention of the Inter-Country Committees Rotary District 2452 in Jordan.

    The First Conference of the ICC Jordan (26 June) is dedicated to the Rotary ICC community, with various topics of common interest, exchange of ideas and promotion of international contacts.
    Followed by the Eleventh Rotary District 2452 Conference (from 27 to 29 June).
    Finally, a tourist trip program visiting to the historic locations of the Dead Sea, Petra, Wadi Rum and much more in Jordan.

    Invitation by Rana Rizkallah, Inter-Country Committees National Coordinator of Jordan
    - Program of events

  • 15 June 2024 - Tirana (Albania) - Chartering Ceremony of the new Rotary International District 2485 covering Albania and Kosovo.

    After 32 years of Rotary presence in Albania and 17 years in Kosovo, the Rotarians from these two countries fulfilled their dream: to have their Rotary International District effettive starting with 01 July 2024.
    Celebration of this event: 15 June 2024 in Tirana (Albania).

    Invitation by PDG Radu Popescu and DGE Butrint Batalli to the celebration of the new Rotary District 2485 on 15 June 2024 in Tirana
    - Program of Guests program in Albania from 14 to 16 June 2024 on the occasion of the celebration of the new Rotary District 2485

  • From 13 to 14 June 2024 - Suzhou (China) - Rotary China District 52 Conference.

    Two-day Rotary China conference in Suzhou Industrial Park (China).
    Rotary China District 52 Conference invitation flyer
    - Link to Rotary China web site

  • 8 September 2023 - Rotary Foundation for the Morocco earthquake.
    Below the links to Rotary Foundation for the Morocco Earthquake Response Fund.

    Link: https://www.rotary.org/en/rotary-foundation-trustees-establish-targeted-funds-to-aid-morocco
    Morocco earthquake - Letter of Rotary President Gordon R. McInally to District 9010 (Morocco) Governor Saâdia Aglif

  • 22 April 2023 - Genoa - Meeting “Genoa and the Migrations” - Event organized by the Intercountry Commmittees Italy, Malta, San Marino in collaboration with the Rotary District 2032.

    The subject of the Conference will offer the opportunity to analyze the migratory flows, the integration capability and the reception of migrants to increasingly develop common point of view with the peoples of other countries.
    The Genoa Meeting aims to develop friendship, knowledge, understanding and peace and also to discover togheter places, history, art, culture of Genoa and Liguria.
    Genoa with its history, with its view of the Mediterranean and with its port has been an important reference point for migration beyond the seas and oceans and is still today a crossroads for people to meet.
    >>> Access coordinates to attend the Conference remotely on Saturday 22 April 2023 - 8:45 a.m. CEST
    >>> (in Italian, with the option to also select simultaneous translations into English and French):
    >>> Direct link: https://bit.ly/ConvegnoICC
    >>> Meeting ID: 891 7686 6675
    >>> Passcode: 397219
    ICC Migration Forum Genoa 2023 - Conference program (in Italian, English and French)

  • 6 February 2023 - Earthquake in Turkey - Fundraising to help the Turkish population affected by the disaster

    Message from the Governor of Rotary District 2430 (Turkey):
    Dear fellow Rotarians,
    We are having a great tragedy now in our District. This morning at 4 am we had an earthquake at 7.7 Richter scale, and many aftershocks, reaching up to 6.6. This afternoon we had another earthquake, which is not an aftershock, it is 7.5.
    Thousands of buildings were collapsed, hospitals collapsed, highways were broken. The cold weather conditions make life even harder and since roads are not available, we can not send goods. The main natural gas line was broken so electricity and heating is the biggest issue at the moment.
    So far about 1000 deaths were reported, and thousands of casualties. The government officials can not predict how many final number will be so the aftermath is frightening.
    This earthquake was felt in and affected severely 10 cities, which are: Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep, Antakya, Adana, Diyarbakır, Osmaniye, Kilis, Adıyaman, Malatya, Şanlıurfa. 
    As the three Rotary districts of Turkey (D-2420, D-2430, D-2440) we are now applying to the Disaster Response Fund, but when the large area affected is considered we will need more to recover. Our clubs have already started donating to our District’s disaster accounts and we kindly invite you to provide your support.

    USD Account Number
    Bank Name: AKBANK   Bank Account Name: ROTARY 2430.BÖLGE FEDERASYONU   Branch Code: 0631   Branch Name: GİMAT/ANKARA
    Branch Address: Bağdat Cad. Ömer Kemik İş Merkezi No:95 A Blok/1 Gimat Yenimahalle / Ankara
    SWIFT CODE: AKBKTRIS   IBAN Number: TR04 0004 6006 3100 1000 0949 00 .

    Euro Account Number
    Bank Name: AKBANK   Bank Account Name: ROTARY 2430.BÖLGE FEDERASYONU   Branch Code: 0631   Branch Name : GİMAT/ANKARA
    Branch Address: Bağdat Cad. Ömer Kemik İş Merkezi No:95 A Blok/1 Gimat Yenimahalle / Ankara
    SWIFT CODE: AKBKTRIS   IBAN Number: TR38 0004 6006 3103 6000 1239 44 .

    Thanks in advance,
    Emre Oztürk
    Rotary District 2430 Governor 
    Phone: +90 533 593 24 33
    Ankara, February 7, 2023.

  • 26 November 2022 - Flood of Ischia (Italy) - Casamicciola Emergency - The Rotary District 2101 has opened a bank account dedicated to fundraising to deal with emergency and structural interventions in favor of the population of Casamicciola Terme, on the island of Ischia (province of Naples) - The invitation to join and spread the initiative is addressed not only to Rotarians, but also to anyone wishing to make free payments as a donation.
    Ischia flood fundraising - Casamicciola Emergency - Poster

  • 16 October 2022 - Virtual meeting on the Zoom platform - Ceremony of constitution and delivery of the Chart of Agreement of the new Inter-Country Committee between Algeria and Italy, Malta, San Marino.
  • 23 September 2022 - Sorrento (Italy) - Twinning ceremony between Rotary Club Sorrento (District 2101, Italy) and Rotary Club Mar del Plata Norte (District 4921, Argentina).
  • From 22 to 25 September 2022 - Modena (Italy) - Event organized by the Inter-Country Committee Italy - Malta - San Marino - Switzerland - Liechtenstein.
  • 1 July 2022 - Mohamed Ghammam is the new Chairman 2022-2024 of the Inter-Country Committees Executive Council.
    - Greetings message at the beginning of the mandate, by Mohamed Ghammam (in English, French and Italian)
    (posted on 16 August 2022)
  • 30 June 2022 - The appointment of Cyril Noirtin as Rotary ICC Executive Council Chairman 2020-2022 ended.
    - Thank you, by Cyril Noirtin (in English, French and Italian)
    (posted on 2 July 2022)
  • 29 June 2022 - Two virtual meetings on the Zoom platform - Ceremonies of constitution and delivery of the Charts of Agreement of new Inter-Country Committees between:
    - Italy, Malta, San Marino and Ukraine
    - Greece and Italy, Malta, San Marino.

  • 24 June 2022 - Virtual meeting on the Zoom platform - Ceremony of constitution and delivery of the Chart of Agreement of the new Inter-Country Committee between Italy, Malta, San Marino and Taiwan.
  • 9 June 2022 - Virtual meeting on the Zoom platform - Ceremony of constitution and delivery of the Chart of Agreement of the new Inter-Country Committee between Italy, Malta, San Marino and Morocco.
  • From 4 to 8 June 2022 - Rotary International Convention in Houston.

    There are planned some ICCs activities during the convention.
    Prior to the convention, the Rotary Presidential Conference "Serve to Bring Peace" will take place at the George R. Brown Convention Center on Friday-Saturday, from 3 to 4 June 2022, including an Inter-Country Committees Breakout Session on Rotary and our partners in Peace. The Conference will focus on Rotary’s work for creating more peaceful and resilient societies. It will be an opportunity to network with the wider Rotary peace building community, hear what others are doing around the globe to create more peaceful societies, to be inspired and to take action.
    To the Rotary Inter-Country Committee has been assigned Booth number 835 in the House of Friendship, just in front of the large Rotary International space.
    Communication material (poster, flyers, pins, etc.) are being produced or already made to be displayed or distributed on the stand.

    An ICC presentation on the theme "Strengthening international Service through Inter-Country Committees" will take place at Montgomery Room of Marriott Marquis Houston on Monday 6 June from 03:00 to 05:00 PM (UTC-5). Inter-Country Committees (ICC) relationships contribute to expand Rotary intercultural understanding, build friendships across borders, foster peace, and facilitate cooperation between diverse cultures and nations through international service. Through presentations and exchanges it will highlight how Rotary clubs and districts can participate in ICCs to strengthen their international service work and build partnerships with Rotary clubs in other countries.
  • 29 May 2022 - Two virtual meetings on the Zoom platform - Ceremonies of constitution and delivery of the Charts of Agreement of new Inter-Country Committees between:
    - Brazil and Italy, Malta, San Marino
    - India and Italy, Malta, San Marino.

  • 21 May 2022 - Brussels (Belgium) - During the meeting of the ICC Executive Council two ceremonies of constitution and delivery of the Charts of Agreement of new Inter-Country Committees between:
    - Italy, Malta, San Marino and Serbia, Montenegro
    - Italy, Malta, San Marino and Spain.

  • 14 May 2022 - Zadar (Croatia) - Ceremony of constitution and delivery of the Chart of Agreement of the new Inter-Country Committee between Croatia and Italy, Malta, San Marino.
  • From 13 to 15 May 2022 - Brussels (Belgium) - Rotary4Europe - Initiative created in the Rotarian year 2018-2019 by Rotary Districts 1580, 1600, 1630, 1660, 1680, 1770, 1870, 1900, 1910, 2202, 2470 , 2031, 2032, 2041, 2050, 2060, 2071, 2080, 2090, 2100, 2110, E.R.I.C. and Rotaractor Districts, based on annual seminars dedicated to Rotarians and Rotaractors under the age of 26, to meet European politics and institutions, with the aim of bringing young people closer to European ideals by relating them to those Rotarians "for a society fairer, more sustainable and inclusive ”, and therefore to the activities and purposes of the European Union.

    3rd Edition of the Seminar (responsible PDG Antonietta Fenoglio, D-2031), with 24 fellows from eight Italian Rotary Districts, organized at the headquarters of the Belgium-Italy Chamber of Commerce (Managing Director Giorgio De Bin) by Rotary4Europe (creator and coordinator PDG Patrizia Cardone, D-2080) and the Rotary District 2031 (Governor Luigi Viana), with the collaboration of Rotaract (Vincenzo Vaccaro, District Rotaract 2031, and Marcello Andria, Italian Rotaract contact person), with the support of the Inter-Country Committee Belgium, Luxembourg (ICC National Coordinator Nathalie Huyghebaert and ICC National Section Chairt Azelio Fulmini) / Italy, Malta, San Marino (ICC National Coordinator Alessandro Pastorini and ICC National Section Chair Carlo Felice Corsetti).
  • 23 April 2022 - Jerez de la Frontera (Spain) - Twinning ceremony between Rotary Club Manduria (District 2120, Italy) and Rotary Club Estepona-Costa del Sol (District 2203, Spain).
  • 2 April 2022 - Rotary Inter-Country Committees International Conference - Dreaming Peace Together - Virtual online conference.

    Support for humanitarian crisis in Ukraine - Event organized by the ICC Executive Council in partnership with Rotaract Europe MDIO (ERIC - European Rotaract Information Center) and in replacement of the ICC International Conference and General Assembly in Kiev.
  • 4 March 2022 - Rotary Inter-Country Committeess - Responding to the crisis in Ukraine:
    Communication by the Rotary ICC Executive Council Chairman Cyril Noirtin
  • 4 March 2022 - The Rotary Foundation creates a channel for direct humanitarian support in Ukraine region:
    - Disaster Response Fund
  • 3 March 2022 - Rotary Districts of Italia, Malta and San Marino for Ukraine:
    District D-2031 initiative to raise funds and basic necessities for Ukraine
    District D-2032 initiative to raise funds for Ukraine
  • From 1 to 3 April 2022 - Kiev (Ukraine) - Rotary Inter-Country Committees International Conference and General Assembly.

    Invitation (video)
    Conference website (https://icckyiv2022.rotary.org.ua)

  • From 1 to 6 April 2022 - Ostuni (Italy) - Series of meetings for the creation of a twin club relationship between the Rotary Club Ostuni-Valle d'Itria and Rosa Marina (D-2120, Italy) and the Rotary Club Strasbourg Kléber (D-1680, France).

News from the Inter-Country Committees: