Rotary Inter-Country Committes (ICC) − Organization structure

ICC Executive Council

The Rotary Inter-Country Committees Executive Council is a resource for Rotary districts and countries wishing to form a new Inter-Country Committee. It collects and shares best practices for forming Inter-Country Committees and subsequent projects and activities. It sees the promotion, coordination and supervision of Inter-Country Committees by organizing colloquiums and conferences et developing brochures, websites and any other tool that may used toward this end.
The ICC Executive Council also maintains a list of Inter-Country Committee National Chairs and active Inter-Country Committees, made available through its website.
Each year, the ICC Executive Council address an activity report of the Inter-Country Committees to the RI General Secretary.
The ICC Executive Council is led by the ICC Executive Board.

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ICC Executive Council Chairman

The Chairman presides over the ICC Executive Council and the ICC Executive Board and is elected to a two-year term. He acts as the liaison between Inter-Country Committees and Rotary International. He promotes the advancement of ICC in all countries and submits an annual report to Rotary International in July each year.

Chairman 2022-2024
Rotary Club Sidi Bou Said (D-9010, Tunisia)

Mohamed Ghammam is CEO of a hotel company and hotel owne
A rotary member since 1990 and Founder of a new Rotary Club in 2014, Mohamed served as Club President, Governor and member of the staff of District 9010, Representative of the President of RI, Trainer, Speaker, Moderator, General Trainer, Training Leader in Gets and Institutes, Rotary conventions and Presidential Conferences, Africa Rotary Chair Region 1 (2014-2016), Vice President of IRL and Rotary Coordinator Zone 22 (2014-2020), Rotary Team Leader Zone 22 (2022).
He was former ICC National Coordinator Tunisia (2013-2018).
Mohamed is Major Donor of the Rotary Foundation and Member of Paul Harris circle.

ICC Executive Board

The ICC Executive Board consists of the Chair of the ICC Executive Council, Chair-Elect, Chair Nominee, Immediate Past Chair, General Secretary and Treasurer.

The following are currently members of the ICC Executive Board:

  • Mohamed GHAMMAM, Chairman of ICC Executive Council 2022-2024, R.C. Sidi Bou Said (D-9010, Tunisia)
  • Nathalie HUYGHEBAERT, ICC Chair-Elect 2024-2026, R.C. Villers-la-Ville (D-2150, Belgium)
  • Cyril NOIRTIN, ICC Past Chair 2020-2022, R.C. Paris Agora (D-1660, France)
  • Marie-Françoise CHAPUIS, ICC General Secretary, R.C. Montpellier (D-1700, France)
  • Guy CAHANÉ, ICC Treasurer, R.C. Saint-Cloud (D-1660, France)
  • Serge GOUTEYRON, ICC Honorary Chairman, R.C. Valenciennes Denain-aérodrome (D-1670, France)

ICC National Coordinators

The ICC National Coordinator promotes, coordinates and supervises the ICC activities in his country.
The National Coordinator is being selected for a three year term by the Governors of the country he represents.
National Coordinators take an active part as members of the Executive Council, present the activities in their Countries, use Executive Council meetings to discuss bilateral matters with other National Coordinators. The National Coordinator
 undertakes the same mission as the Executive Board in his own country.
The National Coordinators send an annual report of ICC activities to the Chair and the General Secretary of the Executive Council, who in turn submit a final report on ICC activities in all countries to the General Secretary of Rotary International.

The ICC National Coordinators for each country or geographical area are:

  1. Africa (Central: Burundi, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda): Yaovi TIGOE, R.C. Libreville Okoumé (D-9150, Gabon)
  2. Africa (Eastern D-9210: Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe): Dan KUWALI, R.C. Lilongwe (D-9210, Malawi)
  3. Africa (Eastern D-9220: Comoro Islands, Djibouti, Madagascar, Mayotte, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles): Mamed BABOO, R.C. Port Louis (D-9220, Mauritius)
  4. Africa (Western: Benin, Mali, Togo): Hilaire M. LOCOH-DONOU, R.C. Lomé (D-9102, Togo)
  5. Africa (Western Lusophone: Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé & Príncipe): Fernando GLÓRIAS, R.C. Luanda (D-9350, Angola)
  6. ASEAN Countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam): Jimmy OOI, R.C. Singapore (D-3310, Singapore)
  7. Albania: Denis XOXA, R.C. Tirana (D-2485, Albania)
  8. Algeria: Tewfik GHERSI, R.C. Alger (D-9010, Algeria)
  9. Argentina: Celia GIAY, R.C. Arrecifes (D-4825, Argentina)
  10. Armenia: Michel DAVOUDIAN, R.C. Gyumri (D-2452, Armenia)
  11. Austria: Walter EBNER, R.C. Gmunden (D-1920, Austria)
  12. Belarus: Alexander BEZBERDY, R.C. Minsk (D-61, District with Special Representative, Belarus)
  13. Belgium and GD Luxembourg (BeLux): Nathalie HUYGHEBAERT, R.C. Villers-la-Ville (D-2150, Belgium)
  14. Bolivia: Reynaldo BURGOA MIRONES, R.C. La Paz-Sopocachi (D-4690, Bolivia)
  15. Bosnia - Herzegovina: Nedžad PIRIĆ, R.C. Tuzla (D-1910, Bosnia - Herzegovina)
  16. Bostwana: Chipo GAOBATWE, R.C. Gaborone (D-9400, Bostwana)
  17. Brazil: Augusto Cesar SCORZA, R.C. Campinas-Sul (D-4590, Brazil)
  18. Bulgaria: Kalcho HINOV, R.C. Sofia-Vitosha (D-2482, Bulgaria)
  19. Cameroun: Marie Marceline ENGANALIM, R.C. Douala Joss (D-9150, Cameroun)
  20. Canada: Nevine YASSA, R.C. Scarborough (D-7070, Canada)
  21. Chad: Siniki FANDEBNET, R.C. N'Djamena (D-9150, Chad)
  22. Chile: Gerardo ESCOBAR LAMIG, R.C. Los Angeles (D-4355, Chile)
  23. China (People's Republic of China): Richard ZI, R.C. Shanghai West (D-52, District with Special Representative, China)
  24. Colombia: Sonia URIBE, R.C Nuevo Medellín (D-4271, Colombia)
  25. Congo (Dem. Rep. of Congo): Pierre-Louis KASONGO MAKANDA, R.C Lubumbashi (D-9150, Democratic Republic of Congo)
  26. Congo Brazzaville (Rep. of the Congo): Yvette Yolande AMBENDET MBETO, R.C. Brazzaville Libota (D-9150, Republic of the Congo)
  27. Côte d'Ivoire: Christophe KOREKI, R.C. Abidjan-Lagunes (D-9101, Côte d'Ivoire)
  28. Croatia: Dagmar RADIN, R.C. Zagreb Metropolitan (D-1913, Croatia)
  29. Cyprus: Gultac OZSAN, R.C. Kyrenia Cosmopolitan (D-2452, Cyprus)
  30. Denmark: Anette LØWERT, R.C. Assens (D-1461, Denmark)
  31. Egypt: Tarek EL HALWAGY, R.C. Alexandria-El Nozha (D-2451, Egypt)
  32. Eritrea - Ethiopia: Rajeev SHARMA, R.C. Addis Ababa-Bole (D-9212, Ethiopia)
  33. Eswatini: Caesar OKELLO OKUMU, R.C. Mbabane (D-9400, Eswatini)
  34. France: Xavier PACAUD, R.C. Savenay-Sillon de Bretagne (D-1510, France)
  35. Gambia: Omar Junaidi JALLOW, R.C. Brusubi Serekunda (D-9101, Gambia)
  36. Georgia: Irakli MAGHLAPERIDZE, R.C. Rustavi International (D-2452, Georgia)
  37. Germany: Gerhard WISCHMANN, R.C. Friedrichshafen-Lindau (D-1930, Germany)
  38. Ghana: Jack DOTSEY, R.C. Accra (D-9104, Ghana)
  39. Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI): James ONIONS, R.C. Kew Gardens (D-1145, England)
  40. Greece: Spyros MAVRAKOS, R.C. Kifissia (D-2475, Greece)
  41. Hungary: Máté DOCPIANO JUHÁSZ, R.C. Szeged-Tisza (D-1911, Hungary)
  42. India: Deepak TALWAR, R.C. Delhi Chanakyapuri (D-3011, India)
  43. Indonesia: Eva KURNIATY, R.C. Jakarta Sunter Centennial (D-3410, Indonesia)
  44. Israel: Gideon "Gidi" PEIPER, R.C. Ramat Hasharon (D-2490, Israel)
  45. Italy - Malta - San Marino: Alessandro PASTORINI, R.C. Genova (D-2032, Italy)
  46. Jordan: Rana RIZKALLAH, R.C. Amman (D-2452, Jordan)
  47. Kenya: Ritesh BAROT, R.C. Nairobi (D-9212, Kenya)
  48. Kosovo: Dardan VELIJA, R.C. Prishtina International (D-53, District with Special Representative, Kosovo)
  49. Lebanon: Taha BAROUD, R.C. Tripoli Cosmopolis (D-2452, Lebanon)
  50. Lesotho: Puleng LEBITSA, R.C. Maseru (D-9370, Lesotho)
  51. Lithuania: Juozas ŠARKUS, R.C. Vilnius (D-1462, Lithuania)
  52. Mauritania: Saidou Amadou KANE, R.C. Nouakchott (D-9010, Mauritania)
  53. Mexico: José DE JESÚS DE LA CRUZ GUTIÉRREZ, R.C. Guadalajara (D-4140, Mexico) 
  54. Moldova: Luminita GAVRILUTA, R.C. E-club of Moldova International (D-2241, Moldova)
  55. Morocco: El Jilali ANTARI, R.C. Rabat-Excellence (D-9010, Morocco)
  56. Mozambique: Maria Angelica SALOMAO, R.C. Maputo (D-9400, Mozambique)
  57. Namibia: Ulf GRÜNEWALD, R.C. Luderitz (D-9350, Namibia)
  58. Nigeria: Oluwole "Wole" KUKOYI, R.C. Ota (D-9110, Nigeria)
  59. North Macedonia - Slovenia: Anton KONČNIK, R.C. Bled (D-1912, Slovenia)
  60. Philippines: Edmond AGUILAR, R.C. Chinatown-Manila (D-3810, Philippines)
  61. Poland: Ryszard ŁUCZYN, R.C. Zamosc Ordynacki (D-2231, Poland)
  62. Portugal: Alberto ESTEVES GUERRA, R.C. Oeiras (D-1960, Portugal)
  63. Romania: Ovidiu COS, R.C. Alba Iulia (D-2241, Romania)
  64. Russian Federation: Ksenia MAKSYUKOVA, R.C. Moscow-East (D-2223, Russian Federation)
  65. Senegal: Christian FAYE, R.C. Dakar Millénium (D-9101, Senegal)
  66. Serbia - Montenegro: Vesna BAUR, R.C. Cakak (D-2483, Serbia)
  67. Spain: Francisco "Paco" CHAPA MORA, R.C. Denia (D-2203, Spain)
  68. Part of South Africa (District 9350): Carl-Heinz DUISBERG, R.C. Helderberg Sunrise (D-9350, South Africa)
  69. Part of South Africa (District 9370): Kevin DERSLEY, R.C. Port Elizabeth West (D-9370, South Africa)
  70. Part of South Africa (District 9400): Annemarie MOSTERT, R.C. E-Club of Eagle Canyon (D-9400, South Africa)
  71. South Sudan: Simon GORE, R.C. Juba (D-9212, South Sudan)
  72. Switzerland - Liechtenstein: Hansruedi MOSER, R.C. Nidau-Biel (D-1990, Switzerland)
  73. Taiwan: Sara MA CHIN-JU (Sara), R.C. Taipei Rui An (D-3521, Taiwan)
  74. Tanzania - Uganda: Harish BHATT, R.C. Bahari-Dar-es-Salaam (D-9214, Tanzania)
  75. Tunisia: Mohamed Moncef SIALA-HAMADI, R.C. Tunis Golfe (D-9010, Tunisia)
  76. Turkey: Canan ERSÖZ, R.C. Adana-Güney (D-2430, Turkey)
  77. Ukraine: Vira SYRIAMINA, R.C. Lviv-Zamok (D-2232, Ukraine)
  78. USA: Dana MOLDOVAN, R.C. Westlake Village (D-5240, USA)
  79. Venezuela: Thomas HACKER, R.C. Puerto Ordaz (D-4370, Venezuela)

ICC National Sections

Rotary Inter-Country Committees can have national relationships (ICC National Sections) or sub-national relationships between two or more nations.
To form an Inter-Country Committee (ICC National Section) between two or more nations, it is necessary that there be approval by all the District Governors of those nations.
Sub-national Inter-Country Committees require the consensus of all districts participating in the relationship. 
Interested Rotarians in each nation are required to form a planning commission to create an Inter-Country Committee. It is responsibility of the planning commission of each country to obtain approval to organize an Inter-Country Committee by the Governors of all the districts of that nation.
Each ICC National Section thus regularly constituted is led by a Chair, elected by the participating districts for a three-year term, with the task of maintaining relations with the other ICC participating, identifying potential common projects and activities to be undertaken, organizing planning meetings and events suitable for these purposes.
Inter-Country Committees must abide by the rules governing organizations in their country and shall have, in addition to the chair, a secretary and a treasurer. The chair serves for three years, the other leaders should rotate on an annual basis.
An established Inter-Country Committee shall inform the ICC Executive Council of its formation.
